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DLL Talk / AC-CODE's Flash Plugin

NeX the Fairly Fast Ferret
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2008 18:47
Years back, there was a website called AC-CODE that sold Dark Basic DLLs. It had a free download of a Flash DLL, which I just found after a long search of my hard drive. However, I'm confused by the license:

If I use this DLL in a freeware project, can I legally distribute it or not?

I fail at life. No, really.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2008 20:16
If I've read it right, then yes you can.

What you can't do is 'sell, rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE to any party', where I read 'SOFTWARE' to be the DLL itself.

NeX the Fairly Fast Ferret
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2008 20:49
Thanks. I don't understand this legal tangle half the time. Your plugins are awesome, by the way. The debug console especially is helpful.

I fail at life. No, really.
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Posted: 3rd Apr 2008 21:25
You need to learn to pick up a little at least just to protect yourself - just like you did with this plug-in, you need to understand your rights and the limitations placed upon it.

Oh, and thanks

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Posted: 28th Apr 2008 20:12
now that would be an interesting dll to share. i'd very much appreciate it if you uploaded it here. cheers
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Posted: 1st May 2008 21:02
Here you go,

But it had some issues with screen size and placing the swf.

also to get data passed from the swf to your DBPro it used copy to ClipBoard which I do not trust, because anything on your computer can copy stuff to clipBoard while your application sucking in all that stuff waiting to get data from the swf.

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Posted: 6th May 2008 19:11
hmmmm... awsome! Thanks trogdor, I'm gonna give this stuff a go now.

As a quick idea to help the flash communicate with DBP, you could always set an extension before your messages that get sent to the clipboard... for example:
where the flash program would send "button_pressed"... you could send "blah.button_pressed". then you always check the string in the clipboards' first 5 letters. should those letters be "blah." then you can be sure that the clipboard data is destined for DBP. You can be almost certain that it wont confict with clipboard data from other apps.

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