yes, as far as I know, DBPro can't split a file in smaller parts/chunks and then load it back up as a single file ... but then again, I could be wrong
anyway, from what I've seen, animated loading screens, bars, meters, etc. are implemented ONLY when dealing with separate files, as the animation has an opportunity to change its frame in between file loads ... but when dealing with only one file, all games or programs have a static loading message displayed because it's really hard to play the animation while loading 1 file into memory ... for a single file, I'd say to display a message like "LOADING ..." or "Please wait while loading ..." or "Waiting ..." or even make it look funny and original like "Please be patient while we're handling your huge files for you, lazy boy !!!" or my favourite "Please wait while we're messing with your computer. Thank you!" and when it's ready say "Damage done
" with the smiley also etc.
Could you help me treat my injured Dino-Fly ?