I was meandering around the software when I came across a command in
Quote: "#include <d3dx9.h> #include "d3dx9shape.h""
to make a torus
Quote: "
// D3DXCreateTorus:
// ----------------
// Creates a mesh containing a torus. The generated torus is centered at
// the origin, and its axis is aligned with the Z-axis.
// Parameters:
// pDevice The D3D device with which the mesh is going to be used.
// InnerRadius Inner radius of the torus (should be >= 0.0f)
// OuterRadius Outer radius of the torue (should be >= 0.0f)
// Sides Number of sides in a cross-section (must be >= 3)
// Rings Number of rings making up the torus (must be >= 3)
// ppMesh The mesh object which will be created
// ppAdjacency Returns a buffer containing adjacency info. Can be NULL.
Can such a command be used directly to create an object in Dark GDK ?
Would anyone have a code example?
Thanks in Advance
PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem