The ejection port is behind the magazine bullet feed which makes no sense unless the bullet travels backward before being chambered.
Plus the stock looks way too long, you should look at other real-life weapons for reference too as they often have a lot of detail, and I don't mean just a single side-on shot. The UV map could be better too, while I can't actually see it, I can see stretching across most of the non side-on parts, such as the front of the grip, under the stock etc.
Same with the texture, it could be better, you can currently see it tiling, so using a higher res base texture would have been better, and even with painted camo you should be able to see some details from the gun itself, it looks a bit too much like you just pasted camo over the whole texture.
Also if you plan to have this as a first person pose weapon you'd need to add more sides to that scope, as well as invest in more detail around the top, as that's where the camera would be fixed on, things like the trigger usually aren't required.