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DLL Talk / Dark Lights Problem

luke escude
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Posted: 9th Apr 2008 00:42 Edited at: 9th Apr 2008 00:43
In my 3D world editor, I am trying to incorporate Dark Lights as my lightmapping system. I have been able to successfully use it before in other projects, but every time I test it in the editor, it destroys my objects.

So, if I place 5 cubes down, then set a point light, then do the lightmapping, the cubes turn into these odd-looking shapes.

Attached, is the screenshot of what happened.

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude


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luke escude
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Posted: 9th Apr 2008 02:24
Never Mind, I have figured it out... If you want to take a look at what I have got, then go to my Vector3 thread, under Work in Progress...

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
luke escude
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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 01:12
I have a new problem... Sometimes, toward the end of lightmapping, it gives an error, "Invalid Texture List"

I do not know what it means, nor do I know how to fix it. Please help

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 09:14 Edited at: 10th Apr 2008 09:14
How many textures are we talking about? Try to find out what is unique about the times it errors compared to the times it does not.

It might be a memory isuue. Please give me more info, and perhaps I can help you get it sorted.
luke escude
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Posted: 11th Apr 2008 00:58
Actually, there are no textures. Just the normal white colored DBPro cubes, spheres, cones, pyramids and cylinders.

I really do not know what makes it error. I can try to find out about how many objects to be lightmapped, the quality, and see if those variables have an effect.

As for more info, since you don't have DarkLights, I will tell you a little about what is supposed to happen.

When lightmapping starts, it will say, "Calculating Object Light[objNum]" with objNum being the current objet,

Afterwords, it says, "Saving Textures[textureNum]" where textureNum is the current lightmap texture.

The error comes up at this point. When it is saving textures, it will give the error.

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
luke escude
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Posted: 11th Apr 2008 01:24
What is a 'texture stage'?

A new error comming up is "Not enough Teture Stages".

Sometimes it comes up with the texture list error, sometimes not

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
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Posted: 11th Apr 2008 01:42
afaik, you need textured objects for lightmapping. I don't know of any map editors that will lightmap an untextured object.

Texture stages are used primarily for various blend mapping light mapping.
luke escude
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Posted: 11th Apr 2008 02:26
OK, I understand. But I must disagree with you about the textured objects thing.

DarkLights comes with examples, of lightmapping scenes composed of DBPro-native, UNTEXTURED objects...

But I will try that, because I am open to everything. I will post back with results.

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
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Posted: 11th Apr 2008 03:13 Edited at: 11th Apr 2008 03:14
I've seen that demo, and you are right...but, I think it may be necessary to set some of the color properties in that case, and also set some object parameters like light, for instance. Perhaps DarkLights does that.

No worries, I said I didn't have it, so you are the expert here, not me...I'm just trying to help you get it sorted.

Lem'me know what happens. Lightmapping is key to my efforts, too.
luke escude
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Posted: 11th Apr 2008 03:40
Well, texturing the objects did not solve the problem. It actually made things worse, which is bad for me, because I now know that that is something I will have to deal with later.

As each object is created, it is textured with a greenish picture.

Didn't help enything. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Is there anyone who I can Email about this, like The Game Creators help desk?

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
luke escude
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Posted: 13th Apr 2008 15:48
Does anyone know anything about this error?

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
luke escude
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Posted: 22nd Apr 2008 05:44
This problem still has not been solved, but if you don't know what the problem is exactly, then go to the site in my signature to download Vector3, my 3D world Editor, which is the program returning these errors

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
Paul Johnston
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Posted: 27th Apr 2008 04:26
"Invalid Texture List" happens if the array meant to hold textures does not exist in the object. Try using the command:

Texture Object <objnum>,0

Which should create the array without needing a texture. If this doesn't work can you post a model that causes the problem.
luke escude
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Posted: 27th Apr 2008 17:49
I am not lightmapping models, just large amounts of native DBP objects like cubes, cylinders, spheres, etc.

I have tried that command with the texture 0, but nevertheless I tried again. It failed.

But, I may have found a solution.

Texture Object <objNum>,30,0
LM add light map object <objNum>,30

With each 30 as a texture stage index... Now, the only thing that happens when lightmapping, is the Windows Send Error Report comming up.

Is this a good solution?

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude
Paul Johnston
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Posted: 29th Apr 2008 16:08
If the objects are DBPro native objects then something doesn't sound right. Are you using the latest version of DBPro? To be sure the time stamp on the DLLs in the "plugins" folder should be 22/03/2007 or later for version 6.6
luke escude
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Posted: 1st May 2008 01:28
Yes, I just got the update 6.8 today, and everything is good... BUT! I think I may have found the problem...

make object cube 1
LM add collision object 1
LM add light map object 1

Now, this is a code to add the object to be light mapped. Now, what if

delete object 1

? Then, Does Dark Lights try to light map an object that isn't there? If so, It will produce an error. Add two commands to Dark Lights:

LM delete collision object <objNum>
LM delete Light map object <objNum>

Vector3 3D World Creator - By Luke Escude

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