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DLL Talk / Force MouseClick, (User32.dll)

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Posted: 9th Apr 2008 14:44 Edited at: 9th Apr 2008 15:51
Please note that the Constants are the Commands, as a result, this would make a great #Include Files as it gives about 10 new mouse commands

I origionally posted this in code snippets, but someone deleted it as i didn't include [DBP] in the title

This is very simple to use, for example you can simulate a left mouseclick like this

Or like this

The second version, If you delay the MOUSE_LEFTUP, then it should force a click and drag situation, but i've not tested this.

This souce also includes commands for Middle + Right Click and Double Click, but by calling MOUSE_EVENT(Btns), you can also simulate Combos, Double Right Click, Whatever you want

I was messing arround with this last night to link it to a JoyPad

Everyone Be Cool, You, Be Cool.
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Location: Netherlands
Posted: 13th Apr 2008 05:41
sounds cool, ill try it out sometime, im too busy atm
B d0t T
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Joined: 23rd Nov 2006
Posted: 9th Jun 2008 16:41
Wow cheers for this, nice and simple!

im not good at this dark basic stuff

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