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DLL Talk / Problem with GetPixel, (GDI32.dll)

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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 01:03 Edited at: 10th Apr 2008 01:05
I'm tryng to create a DesktopSnapShot and BlueWindow Snapshot Function, When calling GetPixel in GDI32.DLL, (Windows DLL) it should be returned in RGB, So whats wrong?

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NeX the Fairly Fast Ferret
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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 01:33 Edited at: 10th Apr 2008 01:33
Red and blue channels appear to have been swapped. I think that some displays use BGR colours, could this be a cause?

I fail at life. No, really.
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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 01:40 Edited at: 10th Apr 2008 01:41
Thats it, Thanks, its working now

Quote: "The GetPixel function retrieves the red, green, blue (RGB) color value of the pixel at the specified coordinates. "

I think that MSDN Page I linked to above needs updating

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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 17:48
No, its correct...look at what COLORREF has to say:

Quote: "When specifying an explicit RGB color, the COLORREF value has the following hexadecimal form:

0x00bbggrr The low-order byte contains a value for the relative intensity of red; the second byte contains a value for green; and the third byte contains a value for blue. The high-order byte must be zero. The maximum value for a single byte is 0xFF. "
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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 17:58 Edited at: 10th Apr 2008 17:58
Fair enouth, you got me, i never read the full page, (Damn, got cort)
I just read the starting section to make sure it was what i wanted

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Posted: 10th Apr 2008 18:15
To be fair, its on the page linked to by that, and I never have thought MS was clear. Finding that stuff is a pain with online docs, too.

btw, I only came in here because I thought that was a pretty cool thing you are your other stuff.

Cheers, and I like the Silent Bob avatar, as well!

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