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DLL Talk / Thread Plugin

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Joined: 10th Apr 2008
Posted: 10th Apr 2008 15:20
Hi th everyone,
I am developing a simple plugin which reads from a device attached to the com port. If the received package is good then all the fields of a structure are filled up. Then I added some functions in the DLL in order to access these fields. In order to start the sampling process i use a function called i.e. INIT DEVICE(1), which starts a thread. I have found the following problem: if I add a Sleep(35) inside the thread loop everything seem to work fine, with a lower delay Dark Basic stops to work. Can anyone help me?
Thank you

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Joined: 19th Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posted: 10th Apr 2008 17:02
You should not do that type of thing in a thread (sleep). It kind of goes opposite to the reason for threads in the first place. Are you waiting for all of the data to arrive while sitting in the thread? You should just check to see how much data is in the buffer in the thread, and only take action if there's enough there for you to do something with. It should be a state machine, and not a typical polling routine.
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Joined: 10th Apr 2008
Posted: 9th Jun 2008 16:06
Hi Jinzai,
thank you for your post. I was trying to implement what you explained me but I still have a doubt: do you think it is better to implement a n "interrupt routine", i.e. once I got a data from the serial port check if I got the full package from the device and then process it and fill all the field up, or still use the thread and check inside for the buffer lenght?

Thank you anyway.


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