This snippet finds and highlights a word in a sectence, to find the next same word, type in the same word you previosly searched.
rem +------------------------------+
rem | Word search function example |
rem |------------------------------|
rem | Author : Koshi |
rem | Date : July 3 2003 |
rem +------------------------------+
rem Sentence to search in
sent$="The cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed to see such sport."
rem The first word to search
word$="the moo"
sync on
rem Main loop
ink rgb(200,200,200),0
text 0,0,sent$
rem Use the word search function to find the word start
rem Check to see if the word that was searched for was found
if length=0
print "word not found, search is case sensative."
rem write colored text over the found text
s=text width(left$(sent$,length))-text width(word$)
e=text width(left$(sent$,length))
b=text height(word$)
ink rgb(200,000,000),0
text s,0,word$
ink rgb(200,200,200),0
input "search: ";word$
sync : loop
rem word search function tells the locaction of the found word
function word(sent$,word$)
p=0 : done=0 : place=0
rem If the oldword is the same as the current word then search from where it left off last time
if word$=old_word$ then p=old_p
rem copare the letters in the word wih the letters in the sentence
for start=1 to len(word$)
if mid$(sent$,p)=mid$(word$,start)
if done>0 then p=p-done : done=0 : start=1
until done>0 or p=>len(sent$)
rem if the words found the locaction of the place it was found in is stored into 'place'
if done=len(word$) then place=p
next start
old_word$=word$ : old_p=p
endfunction place
famous last words-
Sorry im nervous, this is my first execution.