Yes our packs a veery cheap if you look quality. New desert pack will be amaizing, we are in process of preparing LODs so you will be able to make huge cities with them.
Commercial licence isneeded ONLY if your company have more than 250.000 anualy ravenue. So if you are indie developer, you dont need to worry at all
Also models can not be released in some game in "opened" state so everyone can take them. Assets need to be protected in some dll or exe file.
Also selling our models is not alowed.
-Make any number of games as you want.
-Make any new model based on our model and use them in your projects, except selling them.
-Make render images, films, presentations, any commercial projects whic dont allow other people to get our models for free.
So our licence is veeery flexible, use model, textures wherever you want, just dont give htem away for free, and dont sell them like model collections.