Ok, here we go.
1.The game speed is far too slow. It could be because of all the “x” models and the ghosting (which tends to slow down things anyway).
Possible solutions:
Use less objects.
Only use the ghosting on some types of invaders not all.
Use “area” collision detection not the built in DarkBasic one. After all you know where the aliens are going to be, so if your missile is not in that area don’t check for collisions.
2. Your program does not “loose” the end invader (or does not re-calculate the movement loop) in the movement loop, so even when you only have 4 in any row, they move across and down in short time just as if there was a full row of them. Only when you seem to have 2 rows left (2 to 4 in each row) do they start to move all the way across before dropping down.
Possible solutions:
Store your invaders in a dimensioned matrix. This will not only let your calculate where they are at any time (good for collision) but you can use it for the movement loop too.
Or… write a routine that only checks which co-ordinate in the end invaders is greater than any of the other end invaders. Your program can then tell how close to the edge your invader is.
3. The missiles look nice but are TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Slow. Plus the distance between the front and back invaders and where the mothership appears cannot be calculated as there is no reference for the player.
Possible solutions:
Map a simple grid on to the play screen. This will give the player a better feeling of depth and perspective.
When your missile has gone past the back invader, AND there is no mothership….Why not speed it up?
I like your game and concept, but I think you should take a look at “Worm Wors” to get some ideas for your program.
Ta at for now
PS: Sys specs:
2 PCs:
3.6 Ghz Dell....Fully maxed out in all ways...eg: memory etc.
Also a P800 250meg ram, Intel 82810 Gfx card (built in as with sound)
Both worked fine....No crash