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DLL Talk / Sparkys SC_IntersectObject Problem

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Posted: 15th Apr 2008 23:48

I'm in the process of converting my collision system to Sparkys and am trying to get my head round the new commands.

I'm looking at replacing my 'intersect object' commands with sc_intersectObject as a means of stopping my npcs from dropping off ledges but keep hitting the same error and I'm not sure where its coming from:

Quote: "Could not find function'?intersectObjectOld@@YAKHMMMMMM@Z' in 6:SC_Collision.dll"

I've set up a small piece of test code outside my program and am getting the same problem:

Any help would be appreciated.

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Posted: 16th Apr 2008 06:54 Edited at: 16th Apr 2008 06:59
hmm... Seems to me as if Sparky has set up his string table with a typo... If that be the case, we'll just have to wait for him to fix it.

Quote: "?intersectObjectOld@@YAKHMMMMMM@Z"

This makes me wonder if he has left that string in the string table and added a new one, and either 1) there is another command to use which is linked to a string table entry with a matching function or 2) both of these string table entries are linked to the same DBP command and this one seems to have found itself in the favor of the compiler, in which case there is nothing to do.

The above is, however, baseless speculation. Try opening the DLL with notepad and search for "intersectObject", see if there is one like "?intersectObject@@YAKHMMMMMM@Z" (without "Old") or something like "?intersectObjectNew@@YAKHMMMMMM@Z". o.O

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Posted: 16th Apr 2008 15:55
Thanks for looking at this.

I'll give it a go but not sure what I'll be able to do with it - all this dll stuff is a bit beyond me.

I've got a copy of sparkys dll v2.02 (i think, the one I'm using at present is 2.04?) so I might give that a go and see if it gives the same result.

Otherwise I guess we'll just have to wait for a response from the man himself


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Posted: 17th Apr 2008 01:27
I've corrected the string table in the DLL. This will fix the problem for 2.04.


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Posted: 17th Apr 2008 15:16
Nice one Mistrel,

I'll give it a go when I get home tonight

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Posted: 17th Apr 2008 20:53
Checked it out and its working!

Thanks v. much.

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