I’ve been investigating Splines as a method of defining roads and flight paths for aircraft.
After a very grueling learning experience they turn out to be very powerful. With just 4 points I defined and paved the road on the video.
Those same points are used to control about 10 cars each one operating at its own speed. In addition an aircraft is following the road at a specific altitude above the road.
Another set of points are used to fly about 4 planes through a Cork-Screw pattern.
Another set of random points define the paths of 15 more aircraft terrain following each at their own speed and altitude.
Even at full screen I am having no issues controlling all 30 vehicles at 60 FPS on a P4 2.8 machine. (The 35 FPS on video was due to Fraps when I was recording)
Due to the amount of stops and starts learning splines, terrains, meshes etc the core code is messy. However if any of the more professional programmers are interested cleaning up and optimizing the code I would be willing to offer it as open source project for the community.
All the best
All of the models are from Dark Matter #1, the terrain and skyboxes are from the terrain demo I just modified a few parameters for my needs.
PIV 2.8 MZ 512 Mem
FX 5600 256 mem