As has been pointed out there is no magic AI script.Airslide's AI is the best of several AI that you can download off the forums.
Others include:
IntelligentAI (that's right...a member actually made an AI called that).
If you search the
Scripts forum you can find them.
If you think that just because you have DarkAI it will solve all of your problems you are wrong.In x10 even with DarkAI you know what the enemy does?
That's right..when he or she spots you he or she...
I still don't understand why the first thing an enemy does is reaload when he sees you.If I were expecting to use my firearm I know I would have it loaded.
Other factors include the amount of enemies placed in your level,your pc specs (you would be amazed at how FPSC performs differently on different pcs),your level design,entity placement,
and even the version of FPSC you are using.
The only way to get that "special" AI you are wishing is to either make yourself up a script from scratch or edit one of the AI scripts available.
That's how I started scripting.I needed a script for something so I took the closest one I could find to what I needed,
made a backup copy of the original],and modified the script to suit my needs.
Basic scripting isn't that hard and Plystire (who myst love binary code) has made complicated scritps for FPSC...not easy when you basically have 0 and 1 to work with...just like in the old
You can take FPSC and,just like the promos read,make a game in a few minutes and the manual even gives you step by step instructions on hwo to make your first game,etc.
If you want to make a game that screams you and make something unique it will require a bit more effort and dedication.
RIP Floating Skull unknown-2007 we will miss you in FPSC x10