you're Welcome
THAT'S NOT CHEATING! (More on this later)
3: Solution I gave you first would work for you, and there is ANOTHER WAY!
Remember that thread where it was asked how to have a titlescreen, then switch to game screen.. with that SET CURRENT BITMAP?
Well... you can make a fancy 2D Image with your menu choices on it... and set that to current bitmap mode, and sync a couple times if it doesn't show up right away... then loop and wait for the menu keypress.... then just set the current bitmap back to zero - the "Game" screen. That might work. Experiment to get it to work shouldn't take too too long.
Using any and all tools at your disposal to meet your goal, is hardly cheating! Cheating is showing off someone else's work and passing it off as your own!
Additionally... Trying to properly FREE all the models, positions, resetting your level, sometimes is more troublesome than its worth... and we HAVE seen some people get errors with continuous loading/creating and deleting objects OVER TIME... SO... Having your program start with a FLUSH VIDEO MEMORY call or whatever its called, and just "Exiting" your game and alternately lauching a "Menu Program" ... in my book - is not only FINE - but is a great way to do it.
What you do is either launch your game with a command line parameter, and your game would then look for and act upon this parameter(s)... OR... make your menu programcreate a "Dropfile" (a temporary text file... with the "mode(s)" its gonna do... 1 player, 2 player mode for example.
Then your game would on start look for drop file, load it, and act accordingly!
Good luck and may the (dark) force be with you!