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DLL Talk / Advanced Terrain Plus

Conor B
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Posted: 30th Apr 2008 00:17
I have been looking for the Advanced Terrain Plus DLL all over the site and have not been able to find it anywhere!
I have the free version but I want to buy the other one because of the LOD etc..., if anyone could show me where then It would be much appreciated, thanks in advance!

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Posted: 30th Apr 2008 01:12
I am not positive, but I think I got it as part of the Enhancements Pack, along with ODE and FPSC source.
Conor B
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Posted: 30th Apr 2008 01:22 Edited at: 30th Apr 2008 01:23
Hmm, I looked through the info bout Enhancements pack and there is no mention of anything to do with terrain or LOD :S. If anyone else know please do post.

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Conor B
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Posted: 30th Apr 2008 20:35
43 views and only 1 reply, come on, somebody must have purchased the LOD terrain system or knows where to!...right?

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Posted: 30th Apr 2008 22:23 Edited at: 30th Apr 2008 23:40
I don't think they put the plus out for sale.

If they did I would have it

The only one I have is the standard terrain expansion pack that comes with DBPro 6...

newsletters mentioned other awesome plugins which did not see the light yet.

there are few terrain projects out there on the forum that sound very promising.

I just looked in the compile\plugin folder and found DBProLODTerrainDebug.dll .... maybe the standard terrain expansion pack in 6 and the plus from the newsletter are the same.

Let them hate as long as they fear -Caligula
Conor B
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Posted: 1st May 2008 00:16
Hmm, but if so then where what are the LOD commands?:S, thanks anyway for the reply.

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Posted: 1st May 2008 00:56
I can't find it now, but there was a thread once about Advanced Terrain Plus. I think the project died out and never got any more attention.

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Posted: 1st May 2008 20:49
Why haven't we asked Ian T ??? he should have all the facts.

Advanced Terrain is his topic.

Let them hate as long as they fear -Caligula

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