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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Where is it then?

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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 5th Sep 2002 18:12
According to the RealGameTools forum, DBP was supposed to be released a couple of days ago.... where is it? i cant wait any longer.

DB1.0 under winxp sux!!!!!!!!!

Must... have... DBPro....
AthlonXP 2100+ (HeatPipe cooled), 512MB DDR, Geforce4Ti4400 128MB, 17" monitor, 5.1 sound, 192GB RAID Disk Space, 1MB/s cable, 400W, 16x48x DVD, 32x12x48 CDRW, 10/100 Ethernet,8 FANS!
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: United Kingdom
Posted: 5th Sep 2002 18:42
I'm hoping for friday, but i think more realisticly it will be arriving on monday. then again i thought it would come out in July so what do i know

Specs:- 1GHZ athlon, Radeon8500, 192mb ram
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Joined: 2nd Sep 2002
Posted: 5th Sep 2002 21:38
I just got a email a little bit ago from RealGameTools that my copy would be shipping Monday or Tuesday. Mind you, this is the US side. So won't be till next week for myself and I assume the US area in general.... luckily, I have plenty of work to do on are server side to keep me occupied till then.


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