Here's one that first mixes up the strings and then prints them in order:
randomize timer()
dim Strings$(9)
Strings$(0) = "String 1 printed"
Strings$(1) = "String 2 printed"
Strings$(2) = "String 3 printed"
Strings$(3) = "String 4 printed"
Strings$(4) = "String 5 printed"
Strings$(5) = "String 6 printed"
Strings$(6) = "String 7 printed"
Strings$(7) = "String 8 printed"
Strings$(8) = "String 9 printed"
Strings$(9) = "String 10 printed"
for count = 1 to 100
x = 0
y = 0
while x = y
x = rnd(9)
y = rnd(9)
FirstString$ = Strings$(x)
SecondString$ = Strings$(y)
Strings$(y) = FirstString$
Strings$(x) = SecondString$
next count
for Count = 0 to 9
print Strings$(Count)
next Count
wait key
"If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in."