@Plystire srry thats why i dont download your things.
I hate watermarks.sorry
see if your make a good mode save the good stuff 4 that mode an for the ree one just but ok things in it to make ppl want yours.
watermarks just make me not to want the mod sorry to say that
like back in the day when i was makeing hacks for games i had a Pub then the VIP on the pub i never had a big splashscreen say
HACK MADE BY (SEF)DEATH in red letters on there screen.all the pub has was ok aimbot an esp.Then for the VIP it had a rape aimbot an like 50 other settings
I dont know if you get what im trying to say?
But oh well its your RAPE KICK BUT MOD =)
you do what you want you made it
But your mod is grate no lie
Hame Page:http://snipereliteforce.spruz.com/