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DLL Talk / DLL command unrecognised?

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Posted: 11th May 2008 21:51
Hi all
I have little problem with ... compiling my code. At the begining of compiling, message appears:

"Command in DLL command-table unrecognised (ODE CREATE STATIC SPHERE%L %)"

Could someone help me?
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Posted: 11th May 2008 22:10
Apart from the extra space, there's nothing wrong that I can see. Of course, I can only assume that you are defining a command that accepts a single parameter - if that's not the case, then the parameter list is wrong too.

Maybe you should post the string you are using in your DLL, and the function prototype of the function it calls, then we could try a little less guesswork

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Posted: 11th May 2008 22:18
Quote: "Maybe you should post the string you are using in your DLL, and the function prototype of the function it calls, then we could try a little less guesswork "

Ehm ... How could I do that? I'm little newbie with DLL's ( only theory, not practise =] ) ... So how can I get these ... function prototypes and ... "strings I'm using in my DLL" ?
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Posted: 11th May 2008 22:45 Edited at: 11th May 2008 22:46
This is a tricky one - no matter what language I use, you're not going to know what I'm talking about unless I teach you a whole lot about C++ and DBPro plug-ins ... so I'm going to duck your original question, give you a few pointers, then make myself scarce

First, you need to know the basics about C++ - Try this one (

[EDIT]... and this definition should help you with 'what is a function prototype?' ...[/EDIT]

Next, you need to know how to interface C++ with DBPro - start up the IDE, select menu option Help->Help Contents. Then select 'TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS', followed by 'Third Party Commands'. Read and digest.

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Posted: 11th May 2008 22:57
Sorry, buta ... I only want to know, how to fix "Command in DLL command-table unrecognised (ODE CREATE STATIC SPHERE%L %)" problem. Maybe some dll files replacement?

Second: I know a lot of C++ / C ( surprise I'm programmist - know a lot of languages ). What is this knowledge for?

Quote: "Next, you need to know how to interface C++ with DBPro - start up the IDE, select menu option Help->Help Contents. Then select 'TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS', followed by 'Third Party Commands'. Read and digest."

"Start up the IDE, select ... ". IDE of what software? DBP's or some C++ editors? Really ... confused
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Posted: 11th May 2008 23:14
Sorry, I've really forgotten to say, that problem is with ... Dark Basic Professional ...
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Posted: 12th May 2008 00:46
Yes I know it's for DBPro

The IDE I meant was DBPro, and if you don't know what a function prototype is then you are missing something very fundamental and basic in C and C++ - read the link I posted and you'll understand it almost immediately.

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Posted: 12th May 2008 01:08
Well ... I knew, what is function prototype Funny, that I didn't know English version of this term ( I knew only in my mother langauge - Polish )

And I'm asking again, how to fix the problem with missing DLLs? And what is that knowledge for? ( Sorry if I am little ... rude, but I still don't know ... )
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Posted: 12th May 2008 01:36
The problem doesn't sound like a missing DLL. It sounds like the resource string within your DLL is set up incorrectly.

Give me the information I asked for at the beginning and I'll tell you how to fix it. Don't give it to me, and I can't fix it.

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Posted: 12th May 2008 06:58 Edited at: 12th May 2008 10:47
Tomalla - Hello. Welcome. I have some few questions, too.

Are you creating ODE physics DLL, or using the one that already is with DBPro?

I ask because that looks almost exactly like the string in the DLL that already comes with DBPro...DBProODEDebug.dll

@IanM....I'm looking at that string table in VS, and it does not have the extra space in the DLL. There is no function definition. Its not even getting exported, then. (An unimplemented function?)
Here it is, in answer to your original question:

Its string 9, like that matters.

EDIT: I opened the project, and...its an unimplemented function. There is a function to create a dynamic sphere, but none to create a static one.
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Posted: 12th May 2008 15:00
Well I thought about that too, but then I thought if someone is going to dive into a physics plug-in they would certainly have quite a bit of experience with both C++ and writing plug-ins for DBPro already, and no offence to Tomalla, but that does seem a little bit more than he is capable of right now.

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