I was recently thinking & reading topics from other game dev. sites about teh genres of games, and how an Adventure RPG would go down well. An adventure RPG would not be so hack and slash, and be more based on your EXPERIANCE from game play, and only stats for magic / energy / spirit stuff.
I think an ARPG would go down pretty well, but how would one create it? For 3D, it would be daunting, but it would be clearly superior getting the "adventure" part down. Such as Zelda..Banjo Kazooie/Tooie..Super Mario 64..etc.
What I would really like to know is other people's opinion for how to do it in
2D. If an ARPG is able to be designed in 2D, then woah..that would just accelerate 2D RPGs again!...
I have found one game that is almost an ARPG, although it still is mostly RPG, it still has some fighting based on the user's skill level with the game pad / keyboard - Secret of Mana. Great game, if you notice when you swipe your sword at diffrent angles, you hit them harder. So its *not* based fully on stats, which is GREAT!
Anyways..any ideas?