well if this dosent make me feel like a noob -.- cant even stub. anyways. Im getting an error in this code:
Quote: "c:\documents and settings\dustin.wyrmwork-6e1e97\my documents\visual studio 2008\projects\engine\engine\draw.h(3) : fatal error C1016: #if[n]def expected an identifier"
#define DRAW
//check for 2d
#ifndef 2D
#include "2d.h"
#define 2D
//check for 3d
#ifndef 3D
#include "3d.h"
#define 3D
class C_draw:public C_2d, public C_3d//controls all drawing
I dont understand, im new to Preprocessor Directives and Inheritance, why is it giving me this error?
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