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DLL Talk / D3DFUNC source Prob.....

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Posted: 15th May 2008 20:10
Well, i can get the source to compile problem is, it doesn't seem to be creating the DLL, i see a .LIB file in the folder where it's compiled to, but no DLL

"Originally I was going to have a BS on it but you know how that would be. I can't walk around with the letters BS on me." More or less a qoute by Syndrome from Jack, Jack, attack
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Posted: 16th May 2008 11:34
If you see a .lib file, but no .dll file, then your project is probably set to create a static link library, and not a .dll

dll projects also create a .lib file as an intermediate step in creating the dll. (Allowing consumers of your dll to choose how they link to it.)

That option is set when you create the project, but you could probably go in and manually reset the relevant options. It would be more of a pain than just starting over with the correct options, I think.
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Posted: 16th May 2008 15:13
Check the target of the project. It may be built directly into the plug-ins folder.

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Posted: 16th May 2008 18:49
Kind of off topic, but is there a way to get ONLY the .dll to be compiled to the plugins-user folder, without the .obj file and other stuff?

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Posted: 16th May 2008 19:24
Yes. By default, both the intermediate files (.obj, .res, .idb, .pch & buildlog.htm) and the final files (.lib, .exp, .pdb & .dll) go into the standard Release folder.

You may have already noticed the 'Output Directory' on the top-level 'General' config properties, but that covers *all* of the final files, not just .dll.

Instead, take a look at the 'Linker/General' settings, and the 'Output File' setting. It'll generally be set up as '$(OutDir)/<DllName>.dll' - just change it to where you need it to go. Unfortunately, it's not a file browser, so you need to type the full path by hand (or copy/paste from the address bar of an explorer window).

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