Hey guys a little update. I just a ridiculous virus on my computer that locked me out of my c drive (as well as much much more
) So I haven't been able to do much work. Keeping in mind the default folder for dbp games is C://program files/the game creators/darkbasic professional/projects/
Luckily I found a file from my recent files in wordpad and navigated my way through that explorer to backup my files onto a separate hard drive. Boy was I happy about that :p
Anyway, the music for the first level is done thanks to da pwer pwner and well as some death sound. Death is implemented. You also have to collect togepi look a likes for some reason. I've also been programming and animating alucard's boss. This is all within the last 24 hours I haven't been able to even use my laptop
Anyway, I'ma release the first level as a demo very very soon so anyone who cares, get excited!