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DarkBASIC Professional Discussion / Create original games its worth it .... pleeeease :D

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Joined: 5th Sep 2002
Posted: 5th Sep 2002 19:42
Some of the best games in the past have started from the humble hobbiest. This has changed, huge games have been released on the PC. We are constantly told by the big wigs you cant write a commercial game from home any more.

Well I say bah to you, for you have forgotten the power of the hobbiest oh yes indeed. Our power is that we do not need to make clones of quake, counterstrike to keep our companies afloat. We can risk all on a totally original concept for we only waste coffee. You guys noticed this? how many clones of these games do we need?

Ok you may not be trying to make a commercial game, but maybe you want to get into the industry at a later date. Why have people standing around somthing youve worked on for 1000 hours for them to say hey thats just like quake but not as good. for your own sanity consider making YOUR game and not the game you most love, because ...

1/ if its a direct copy the chances are youll never be able to release it.

2/ youll have the DB community cheering you.

3/ Original games are more likely to get a strong user base.

4/ the more people that play it the prouder youll be, having people posting thats the most original game Ive played is a HUGE boost.

So to those that are making clones good luck to you, but its a thankless task. And to you people that want to take the game hobbiest further, Hurrah!!!!
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Posted: 5th Sep 2002 21:26
*sniff* true...

Great stuff, man really, every bit true! +1 Karma!

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Funky Frank
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Posted: 5th Sep 2002 23:52
On originality i couldn't agree more, gone a bit misty-eyed myself.

However, the 'fly in the ointment' is that after having spent four man years developing your genre busting game, you are stuffed trying to get someone to publish it for you, since no-one is willing to take a risk.

This is why the shelves in the local game shop are packed with sequels.

At the most fundamental level you have to ask are people making games for love or just for the money.

Most of the people here are slaving over projects of devotion, however i suspect that the majority of big developers have lost that innocent passion and instead are simply fixated with the sure fire money spinner.

What it will take is for someone (perhaps a small team) from a community such as this to produce a cash raking game, then the big publishers really will sit up and take notice.

DB Pro has the power, from what i can see, so there are no excuses now, its just up to us to invent a new genre.

Funky Frank
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Posted: 6th Sep 2002 10:18
just look at adom. [ ]
it's pretty original in a way. Never going to be published, but hey... I would still like to be the one who's making it.

It's much more fun to get good feedback from a serious gamers. And working with them. Updates & patches and stuff...
Than just getting money from people you will never hear about. Until someone makes a warez copy from your game. :\

This means that I'm making games for the love and fun of it. Not for the money. but I don't have anything against getting money from doing what I want.
This is the main point. Some people do it for the money or the "fame". Well, I have nothing against them... I just can't work with them...

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Location: Finland
Posted: 6th Sep 2002 10:22
More of my toughts about the topic:

1) original games don't end up published so often, you know.
2) DB community is a great thing, but not all of them will like your game. Many gamers want simple games.
3) True. With original game, you can easily get few very enthusiasted addicts. That's the fun part.
4) That's true also. Getting good feedback always warms my heart. But the game has to be good also. Not just original.

Specs :: [1333Mhz : 256DDR : Geforce 2 Mx 64MB]

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