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FPSC Classic Product Chat / New to FPSC, going to buy...

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Posted: 27th May 2008 05:47
Heeey im new to FPSC and im 13 yrs old am i am GLAD i stumbled upon it cuz i saw the "Learn to make a FPS with no programmign knowledge!" and i was like oh thats me! so now im going to buy FPSC and decided to get the packs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 13. hopefuly ill make something fun and sell it to my friends! anyone wana tell me what they thought about those packs? (if they got it) i asked my parents cuz obviously i dont got a credit card and they said suure right now u got 90$ so you gota save up then ul get it. (ya my parents let me get M games and R movies and whatever cuz when the people at the store say "you know this is rated M for ... ... and ..." my dads like, 'he looks mature to me!' lol so ya), respond!

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Posted: 27th May 2008 07:06

I seriously Lol'd at your post, as it completely sounded like a kid in a candy store.

You're lucky to have such parents. I had to go get a summer job when I wanted to buy DBP.

I think you should consider model packs 9 or 10 for your list, though. They've some very astounding array of weaponry in there. I personally like to have many options for weapons. Although, a dull, stock map isn't much either, so a couple of packs for segments and entities would be good, too.

Welcome to the forums and please enjoy your stay! (And don't listen too much to the angry folks around here, they can get a bit out of control at times. )

Heads up on some of the rules around here:

- If you have a question, search for the answer first (There's a tool for searching at the bottom of the page)
- If you can't find the answer to your question, then feel free to ask, but remember to --
- Place your posts in the appropriate board. If your post is about scripting, then put it in the Scripts board, if it's about graphics then put it in the Models and Media board, etc etc

That should keep you outta trouble for the time being. Lol

The one and only,

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Posted: 27th May 2008 07:20 Edited at: 28th May 2008 02:20
well welcome to the forums...

havent bought any model packs yet

i beta tested the game creator store and got 2000 free points so im using those!!

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Keo C
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Posted: 27th May 2008 07:29
Please don't post your age, I'd edit it out before a mod does.

Image made by the overworked Biggadd.
Pus In Boots
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Posted: 27th May 2008 13:15
I am Pus, you'll spend most of your time here either sniffing at my feet or eating out of my hand. Be warned. Those who cross me get their comeuppance with harsh, swift justice at the mercy of my guerilla fighters. Enjoy!

If it feels good, it's a sin.
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Posted: 27th May 2008 14:23
Quote: "im -- yrs old"

Please don't post your age

Quote: "im -- so im a clueless as u"

Same goes for you flickenmaste

Was cool kid
Cyborg ART
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Posted: 27th May 2008 16:59
I must say that your post was is the longest text without any pauses

Some hints on this forum:
-Respect the Moderators, thay have great powers
-If you are nice, people will be nice back.
-Dont start to be "mean", at least not in the beginning, people wont like you as much as they could.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 17:16

I han't got any model packs, but if you're good at searching stuff on the internet, ou can find lots of free models on the web. And scripting is really easy, just read some tutorials, and you'll learn fast. The fpi editor is free for everyone, and it's very handy. You don't have tho know all the conditions and actions.

And if you want to become really great, learn how to moddel stuf. you'll be beter than me when you can model, because I can't. Or, I can model, but don't know how to import my models in to fpsc yet, but I use my models for rct3.

good luck, my friend.

Creativity is more important than knowledge.
Shadow Blade
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Posted: 27th May 2008 18:28
Blood Hound what is wrong with you? It's people like you that make this forum a horrible place for begginers, you start flaming people when his message was kind of pointless but he did ask a reasnobale question, what are the best model packs. People come along post a message get flamed by people like you and never come back. Lay off man.

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Posted: 27th May 2008 20:19
Quote: "soz "

cant you even say sorry properly? Soz aint a word to be honest.

anyway: welcome xxRSxx, I hope you enjoy you're stay.

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 27th May 2008 20:38
Quote: "soz shadow blade i didnt realise it was that bad of a message i have removed."

It's ok, we all make mistakes, just forget about it.

Cyborg ART
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Posted: 27th May 2008 21:22
Quote: "are the best model packs."

I didnt find a question it it, but here:

For weapons:
-Absolutely Mp 9 & 10, I am sorry Jon and Simon but thats the true (But I like yours too, Fletchers are the only one I have actually built a game with )

-Depends on what you want, but Mp1 is good for a modern type of game, and you also get some entities.
-Mp4 is good if you want some characters wich could act as "sidekicks", people you recognize.
-the 2 last model packs looks realy great, I dont own them but many people like them both. Buts it all depends on what you need.

Its up to you, I could recomend Mp3 since it contains hundreds of things you can use everywhere. Mp16 is also good, contains many high quality models by TGC´s own modeler, Simon Benge, its he who made allmost all stockmedia I think.

Mp1,Mp2,Mp3,Mp5,Mp7,Mp8 (maybe some other too) do all contain segments, It all depends on what you need.

If you got the money I recomend you too buy them all Its difficult too tell wich you should get, but I would recomend you from keeping away from Mp11-15, I am sorry the creator of them but they dont contain many stuff, and I dont think anyone has said anything good about them.

You should also take a look into the new TGC store, found in the new update. There you can find a lot of great models from many creators. Maybe you could find something there.

I hope this has helped you.

Nomad Soul
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Posted: 27th May 2008 22:52
Welcome to the FPSC forums and congratulations on discovering a piece of software that will literally change your life for the better.

There is much work ahead of you and it won't always be quite as easy as the advertising suggests if you want to make something really special but its all totally possible and the time invested is always rewarded 10 fold.

If you have budget considerations I suggest

MP3 for segments and entities. MP2 almost as good
MP4 for characters unless you want call of duty 4 style then MP1
MP5 for weapon variety. Or MP9 / MP10 depending on personal pref
Sprite Pack 1 for special effects

That will give you a very nice selection of stuff for a reasonable cost.
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Posted: 28th May 2008 00:28
Quote: "Hey soz guys"

I actually stared at those words for about ten minutes trying to figure out what soz meant lol.

I eventually just gave up and scrolled down and saw this lol.
Quote: "cant you even say sorry properly?"

I don't know why that was so hard to figure out for me lol.

Shadow Blade
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Posted: 28th May 2008 09:29
Quote: "I didnt find a question it it, but here"

I'm near his age and know people who talk like that, I can decipher it.

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Posted: 28th May 2008 09:44
Quote: "I actually stared at those words for about ten minutes trying to figure out what soz meant lol."

You weren't the only one.

The one and only,

Thistle Studios
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Posted: 28th May 2008 09:47 Edited at: 28th May 2008 09:49
Im near his age too! there once was a time when i was his age, but that died a year ago! lol

Welcome to the forums, ive been here for a mighty, erm... i dunno, but enjoy your stay here at TGC forums, and pick up some complimentary bath towels on your way up! lol

EDIT: Ah, Plystire, you got the word in before me! (How come you aint replying on msn? Yes im the DNA Display Pic!)

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Posted: 28th May 2008 10:14
Hey, welcome to the forums and FPSC. You've certainly joined at a good time, I've been using FPSC for over 2 years now, and it only gets better.

One important thing to remember is that the forum is full of different kinds of people. If someone doesn't agree with something you say, or tries to put you down, don't let it. The world's full of different attitudes, it's how you cope with them that matters.

It can also be tempting to join in flaming and try to make yourself look superior by putting people down. Don't. At the end of the day, people will have a much worse opinion about those that are always jumping on people and putting them down, than those getting flamed.

Just a couple of tips anyway, I know I learnt them from being on this forum and wish I'd taken a different approach when I joined.

Anyway, enjoy your stay Hope to hear more from you soon,
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Posted: 31st May 2008 23:40
Welcome to FPSC! I'm new here too. To ensure sucess in your first games, make sure your first games are simple, keep teleporters away from walls, and don't unbalance arena teams.

Unbalancing arena teams is when you give one spawn point a tavor or another good weapon, and give the other team a weak little knife, and give a different team a sniping point that nobody else can reach.

Regards, Eilios

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