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DLL Talk / eXtends Plugin Problem!

Fitz marc ade
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Posted: 27th May 2008 16:16
Hi i've just bought the plugin, and it seems that i am unable to run both the XGUI and XFONT samples programs aswell as the asteriods game!

Is this a common bug or is it compatabillty isues with other Plugins i have?
AGK Developer
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Posted: 28th May 2008 11:30
Can you tell me which OS you have and your specs ?
If you want, send me all details to : support @
I'll check this and try to fix it for the next release of eXtends.


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Posted: 28th May 2008 13:18
What version of DBP are you running?
Fitz marc ade
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Posted: 29th May 2008 07:09
Ok Sorry for delay getting back in touch!

I had other stuff i needed to get done.

I've Dual booted my system now. - (Vista X64/XP MCE 2005)

B4 I had Vista X64 Ultimate Ed. Because I hadn't had any problem's so far with all other plugin's, I didn't expect problems with Vista.

So I've tried it on XP.
Got the XGUI samples and XFONT working, but not the Asteriods Game.
get error message:-

Rutime Error 7203 - camera does not exist

Have latest DirextX 9.0c and Update U68 of DBPro.
Fitz marc ade
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Posted: 29th May 2008 17:38
I think i fixed the problem with the asteriods game!

In the Functions of the game go to - Function SetupRTSkySystem() - function and then to the line (near end of function) - L3D Set Control Camera 1.

change the 1 to 0 as I presume the camera number is 0 as specified at the top of the function! - CAMERA1 = 0!

Well it seems to work now. And it's an easy mistake with using numbering systems. I do all the time.

However I could be wrong, as i've only quickly glanced over the code and havent had plugin long to know all commands yet?
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Posted: 29th May 2008 19:54
@Fitz : Eh ! You've found the answer before I get the time to ~.
You're right, It's was an error from tests changes .. Change camera to 0 or CAMERA1 and it will work correctly

Gandalf said: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"
Odyssey-Creators - X-Quad Editor - 3DMapEditor
Fitz marc ade
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Posted: 29th May 2008 20:41
Thank you for replying, at least now I know it's working right.

Will there be any chance of the plugin being compatible with vista in the future, as I can see it's only in the XGUI and XFONT functions that has any problem's.

Just out of curiousity!
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Posted: 30th May 2008 12:09
Yes, I already know these issues and I wans't yet able to find the origin of this problem (apparently some strings issues)
I'm working on this (I'm on Dual Boot XP Pro + Vista Bus. 64)

Gandalf said: "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us"
Odyssey-Creators - X-Quad Editor - 3DMapEditor

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