DarkGDK stock terrain needs more files supplied to it before it will build properly. The JGC library just wraps this up for you. Let me show you the important commands from the Demo GDK Terrain.
Terr->LightDirection->X=-0.917355 ; // -1 thru 1
Terr->LightDirection->Y=0.489999 ; // -1 thru 1
Terr->LightDirection->Z=-0.933884 ; // -1 thru 1
Terr->LightScaleRed = 1; // 1=100%
Terr->LightScaleGreen = 1; // 1=100%
Terr->LightScaleBlue = 1; // 1=100%
Terr->LightIntensity=1; // 1=100%;
Terr->Split=16; //Split Value. Usu. 16 * 16 is good so Set this to 16 usually
Terr->DetailTiling=1;//Depends On Scale - I've been using 1 or 2 Lately
Terr->Size->X = 128; // X Size of Height Map
Terr->Size->Y = 128; // --!!Ignored!!--
Terr->Size->Z = 128; // Z Size of Height Map
Terr->Scale->X = 20; // 1=100%
Terr->Scale->Y = 1; // 1=100%
Terr->Scale->Z = 20; // 1=100%
Then I see your code calls JGC::Update(); and this handles updating the terrain for you. it simply calls dbUpdateTerrain();
I recommend Version 1.1+ to make sure its calling dbUpdateTerrain() as I say here. In SOME Prior versions I had that command commented out - an oversight.
I know you are using 1.1 so - you just need to borrow code from up above
Good Luck! Let me know how it works out!