err not sure what key I just hit but it posted it while I was typing, try again
if(ManIsFalling) {
if(Fall<MaxFall) {
Fall = Fall + FallIncrement;
if(ManIsJumping && !ManIsFalling) {
Fall = -10;
Man.y = Man.y + Fall
I haven't put any specific code here, this is just to give you an idea
If the Man is falling he starts of falling slowly, building speed quickly till he reaches a max (terminal) velocity.
If the man jumps, he gets a negative fall speed, and flags that he is now falling, the fallspeed(jump) will decrease and he will quickly fall again (hopefully onto the ground)
you will have to test for a sprite under his feet
Is there a sprite at Manx+(Man.width/2),Man.y+Man.height? if no then set falling flag.
hope this helps