The reason is when we had a team requests section it got very messy...back when I was a newbie to the forums myself. (I still have one unread reply in that section)
Basically now there are strict rulings for it - basically following a set of requirements (they're posted somewhere) you can post them and they tend to be allowed open at the discretion of mods - so your thread really has to be convincing and show (not tell) that you're serious and that you have a project done enough to show, so that people who look at it can go "Ah, looks good, they're not going to fool around, I'll do the job". The majority of team requests tend to be people who can't show they need it, can't show they're serious enough and can't show they're skilled or capable enough of delivering the project.
Plus if you're an outside company, I'm pretty sure you need special permission.
So if your team request doesn't appear worthy, a mod will lock it.
"Experience never provides its judgments with true or strict universality; but only (through induction) with assumed and comparative universality." - Immanuel Kant