I have a map-
sorry, not really sure how to have an image in the middle of the post....
And as you can see, it has a huge canyon in the middle, then slopping walls. I need a method that if the players y axes height is 10 less then the walls height, it can't go over it. But if it is only 5 less, it can using the dbGetTerrainHeight. By the way, is there like a dbGEtTerrainHeight mthod for 3d Objects?
I think while writing this I figured out my problem. I think it should go something like this- But I am not sure.
if ( dbObjectPositionY ( 1 ) > OldY ){
dbPositionObject ( 1, oldX, oldY, OldZ );
I thinks that should work... Also, how would you set it so that it says if ( dbObjectPositionY ( 1 ) is >10 then OldY ){?
It needs to say that if the object position is 10, or more, greater then OldY, move back.
~~Its not about what you know, its about how you figure it out.~~