dude thanks a lot
I could finally pass through that stage
Sometimes I really get angry when I miss switches... It was a time like when I reestarted that stage 5-6 times in a day just to be sure I haven't missed a switch, but I did anyway
I need pay more attention in the scennery.
About the gamma thing, it's a bug in my graphic card ( crap Geforce 4 MX 440 ). After I close somes ( not all of them ) direct X programs ( specially Quake 3 ) The videocard gets really dark desktop. If I try to run another game, let's say Counter-Strike, it's so dark I cannot see an enemy. But if I run Quake 3 again, the card gets normal untill I close Quake again
The solution is, always after I close Quake ( and few other games ) I have to go to the video properties and set the gamma to my videocard back to the normal... Quite lot of work
So when I did this snap, my screen was dark and I went to photoshop and put it's gamma really high ( now I can see how high it is....ghehehe )
Once again thanks bub
Light Saber, here I come...lol
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.