Quote: "Excuse me while I don my tinfoil hat for a moment here."
I found that to be genius.
Quote: "Everytime Microsoft comes out with a new technology - everything they just had you invest in is all of a sudden "legacy" and they don't build upon it..."
Though I agree with that, I think that Apple is so much worse at doing that. Did you buy an iPod? You'll know what I mean.
Quote: "I like alot of microsoft products - however Vista, .Net, Win95, Millenium, Office 2007 - Are not on my list of software I thnk is worth very much."
I agree with that for the most part. I do love the updates in Vista. After using it for a few months, I hate going back to XP. Also, though not worth the upgrade money, Office '07 is pretty awesome.
Quote: "Best thing microsoft released in my opinion is Office 2003"
'Twas amazing.
Quote: "I would like to mention, everything you've said about upgrading to vista and such, were also said about XP when it was released. Keeping in mind that this doesn't invalidate your complaints (as they are quite valid)."
I try to tell everyone that. I wasn't in the world of technology then, but even I know that that statement is true.
Quote: "You talk a lot about bloat and that the user has to download a lot of runtime packages. While this is sometimes true, it's generally not the case."
Never minded installing it. Especially since 3.5. They bundled all of them in one installer.
Quote: "Now, all that said, if you don't like .NET, that's fine with me. your opinion is just as valid as my own. It really all comes down to what can the individual do. What makes the individual most productive? What fits the individuals workflow? Me, I use the right tool for the job. Often that's C/C++, but it's just as often Python, perl, C#, or a Lisp dialect."
It's all opinion. No flame wars necessary.
Quote: "My biggest frustration with computers and people saying "this is old this is new so its better" etc. Is like was said about running 3.1 - take WordPerfect, or early versions of MSWord - and I guarantee they will scream! Faster, smaller, blazing... Now - Word is a monster - and I'd guess 90% of it people don't use... so why not have a lean version and then install the options? They have that to a point - but with a 15-20meg base that's kinda big for a typewriter with a spell and grammer check."
Most people don't do their research about new releases. I make sure to look up as much about programs as I can. Vista, for instance: I read up every bit of information I could find about memory management, security, DX 10, et cetera.
Quote: "the most "autopilot" of the game engines I'm aware of"
Yeah. A double-edged sword, I suppose.