spooter - its annoying to have to do - but saves you headaches in the long run. Simple? Make your application in WINDOWED MODE! (For now) Make a function for each dbload thingy....
like... for dbLoadObject, make a function called LoadObject or something. That function shold take a parameter - the filename, and the ID for the object.
Then in the function do something like:
bool LoadObject(char *p_szFilename, int p_ID){
dbLoadObject(p_szFilename, p_ID);
bool bResult=(dbObjectExist(p_ID)==TRUE);
MessageBox(0,p_szFilename,"Object Couldn't Load!",0);
return bResult;
I personally use a log file. I use native GDK commands. Which means I need to delete the log if it exists when my program starts, open my log file, and keep it open until the application ends. I then write information to it instead of using a message box. This allows me the flexibility of both windowed and fullscreen mode. I just read the log. If the program crashes - I usually can see my last log entry.
This lesson - if applied to ALL your dbLoad.... ???? whatevers - textures, bitmaps, images, sound, etc. Will help you immediately dicern between camera location and object placement issues - versus media loading issues. DarkGDK doesn't usually tell you media didn't load right. worse, if you use the GDK terrain - it says silly things like Error 6...... Error 6? What is Error 6?
It's often useful to utilize functions like FileExist(FilenameGoesHere) type functions before even trying the load. And STILL testing after the load to make sure it loaded correctly.
Programming maniac might be a bit blunt - but FPS can be difficult. However, you're more than welcome to start there, and making a simple FPS is a GREAT way to learn so don't give up!
Practice moving camera around using the keyboard and maybe the nmouse to control it... try out LOTS of things - and eventually you'll start having a little budding fps under way!
[edited code - had FALSE where a true should have been]