I'v been seeing 'run time error 3502' or 3002 all morning, but it's my first time loading sounds and music.
Their labeled "MPEG Layer 3 Audio File". first thing i thought was .MP3. if it is then i'm messing up somewhere else (which is likely) cause .MPEG or .MPEG3 or the whole label written out doesn't work either.
put them in the media panel. tried 'Load Sound' and 'Load Music'
re-named them in windows.
Load Music "Player Loses.mp3", 1
Load Music "Player Hit.mp3", 2
at a complete loss.
At a loss no more. DLed a sound converter and now their both .Wav
Today is a good day, at least compared to tomorrow.
And every day is a good day to die, because then, there is no tomorrow