Oki, heres the source...
global pathnode as integer
pathnode = 32
global dim pathnodes(pathnode, 9) as integer
global selectedpathnode as integer
selectedpathnode = 1
autocam off
flush video memory
sync on
sync rate 30
hide mouse
backdrop on
color backdrop rgb(80, 80, 80)
set text font "arial"
set text size 16
set text transparent
load object "modelname.x", 1
load object "modelname.x", 2
set object wireframe 2, 1
ghost object on 1
color object 1, 0
color object 2, 0
id_elephant = 600
Load Object "All_animations.x", id_elephant
scale object id_elephant, 500, 500, 500
set object collision off 1
`//////////////////////////////////////////// Beginning of Main Loop ////////////////////////////////////////
ink rgb(0, 255, 0), rgb(0, 255, 0)
`The "w" key
if keystate(17)=1 then inc pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 3), 2
`The "s" key
if keystate(31)=1 then dec pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 3), 2
`The "a" key
if keystate(30)=1 then dec pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 2), 2
`The "d" key
if keystate(32)=1 then inc pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 2), 2
if leftkey()=1 then inc a#, 2
if rightkey()=1 then dec a#, 2
if upkey()=1 then inc y#, 4
if downkey()=1 then dec y#, 4
if inkey$()="q" then pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 1) = 0
if inkey$()="e" then pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 1) = 1
if inkey$()="]" then inc selectedpathnode
if inkey$()="[" then dec selectedpathnode
if inkey$() = "," then dec pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 4), 2
if inkey$() = "." then inc pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 4), 2
if returnkey() = 1
if inkey$() = "l"
if inkey$()="1"
input "Link 1: Link current node to node number? "; temp
pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 6) = temp
if inkey$()="2"
input "Link 2: Link current node to node number? "; temp
pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 7) = temp
if inkey$()="3"
input "Link 3: Link current node to node number? "; temp
pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 8) = temp
if inkey$()="4"
input "Link 4: Link current node to node number? "; temp
pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 9) = temp
if selectedpathnode<1 then selectedpathnode=1
if selectedpathnode>pathnode then selectedpathnode=pathnode
for i = 1 to pathnode
position object i+2, pathnodes(i, 2), -100, pathnodes(i, 3)
if pathnodes(i, 1) = 0 then set object wireframe i+2, 1
if pathnodes(i, 1) = 1
set object wireframe i+2, 0
for j=1 to 4
if pathnodes(i, 5+j)>0
ink rgb(0, 0, 255), rgb(0, 0, 255)
line object screen x(i+2), object screen y(i+2), object screen x(pathnodes(i, 5+j)+2), object screen y(pathnodes(i, 5+j)+2)
next j
ink rgb(0, 255, 0), rgb(0, 255, 0)
set cursor object screen x(i+2), object screen y(i+2)
print i
next i
position object pathnode+3, pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 2), -100, pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 3)
scale object pathnode+3, pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 4), pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 4), pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 4)
set camera to follow pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 2), -100, pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 3), a#, 600, y#, 10, 0
point camera pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 2), -100, pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 3)
set cursor 0, 0
ink rgb(255, 255, 255), rgb(255, 255, 255)
`print screen fps()
print "Path Node Selected: "; selectedpathnode
print "Path Node Existant: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 1)
print "X Position: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 2)
print "Z Position: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 3)
print "Node Area (Radius): "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 4)
print "Node Link 1: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 6)
print "Node Link 2: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 7)
print "Node Link 3: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 8)
print "Node Link 4: "; pathnodes(selectedpathnode, 9)
for i=1 to pathnode
print pathbank(i)
next i
Function InitNodes()
make object sphere pathnode+3, 100
ghost object on pathnode+3
for i=1 to pathnode
pathnodes(i, 1) = 0
pathnodes(i, 4) = 100
pathnodes(i, 6) = 0
pathnodes(i, 7) = 0
pathnodes(i, 8) = 0
pathnodes(i, 9) = 0
make object sphere i+2, 40
xrotate object i+2, 180
next i
function SavePathNodes(filename$)
if file exist(filename$) then delete file filename$
open to write 1, filename$
print "Saving..."
for i=1 to pathnode
for j=1 to 9
write long 1, pathnodes(i, j)
next j
next i
close file 1
function LoadPathNodes(filename$)
open to read 1, filename$
print "Loading..."
for i=1 to pathnode
for j=1 to 9
read long 1, pathnodes(i, j)
next j
next i
close file 1
Function Distance(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
x = abs(x1-x2)
y = abs(y1-y2)
z = abs(z1-z2)
dist = int(sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z))
endfunction dist
Just replace modelname.x with the name of the model you want to use as a guide to model.
- w, s, a, d to move the selected node
- [ and ] to change the selected node
- , and . to change the radius of the node (for calculating what node your player is on
- q and e toggle the node existance
- 1, 2, 3 and 4 let you set the node links
- Enter saves the data as pathnodes.node
- L loads pathnodes.node
Note: for the moment, you cannot have seperate node areas, meaning all nodes must be able to get every other node via links and other nodes.
The big function:
Function FindPath(StartNode, EndNode)
found = 1
path = 0
Parent = 0
Child = 0
for i=1 to pathnode
OpenList(i) = StartNode
OnOpenList(i) = 0
ClosedList(i) = 0
ParentNode(i) = 0
next i
ClosedList(1) = 0
ParentNode(1) = 0
Cost(StartNode, GCost) = 0
Cost(StartNode, FCost) = 999999999
if StartNode = EndNode
`No Need to find path
exitfunction found
`Do until path found
`Set Parent Value
Parent = OpenList(1)
`Put Node on closed list
ClosedList(Parent) = 1
`Remove node from list and suffle up 1
for i = 1 to (pathnode-1)
OpenList(i) = OpenList(i+1)
next i
`Check Nodes children, and put them on the open list if not on closed list
for q=1 to 4
Child = pathnodes(Parent, 5+q)
if ClosedList(Child)=0
if Child>0
if OnOpenList(Child)=0
`Put node on bottom of Open List
OpenList(pathnode) = Child
`Put Child on Open List
OnOpenList(Child) = 1
`Calculate its G cost
addedGCost = Distance(pathnodes(parent, HCost), 0, pathnodes(parent, FCost), pathnodes(child, HCost), 0, pathnodes(child, FCost))
Cost(Child, GCost) = Cost(Parent, GCost) + addedGCost
`Calculate its H Cost
Cost(Child, HCost) = Distance(pathnodes(child, HCost), 0, pathnodes(child, FCost), pathnodes(EndNode, HCost), 0, pathnodes(EndNode, FCost))
`Thus, Calculate its F Cost
Cost(Child, FCost) = Cost(Child, GCost) + Cost(Child, HCost)
`Bubble the Child to its correct position in the Open List
for i = 0 to pathnode-1
for j=1 to pathnode-i
if Cost(OpenList(j-1), 3)>Cost(OpenList(j), 3)
swap = OpenList(j)
OpenList(j) = OpenList(j-1)
OpenList(j-1) = swap
next j
next i
`Set Parent Node to Parent
ParentNode(Child) = Parent
`If Child Node is already on the open list, check to see if the path from the current parent
` to the child is less than the path from the childs parents to the child
`Calculate the G cost
addedGCost = Distance(pathnodes(parent, 2), 0, pathnodes(parent, 3), pathnodes(child, 2), 0, pathnodes(child, 3))
tempcost = Cost(Parent, GCost) + addedGCost
`If this cost is less, then change the G and F costs
if Cost(Child, GCost)>tempcost
`Change Costs for new Parent
Cost(Child, GCost) = tempcost
Cost(Child, 3) = Cost(Child, HCost) + tempcost
`Set Parent Node to Parent
ParentNode(Child) = Parent
`Because we changed the FCost, we have to put it in its correct spot in the Open List
for i = 0 to pathnode-1
for j=1 to pathnode-i
if Cost(OpenList(j-1), 3)>Cost(OpenList(j), 3)
swap = OpenList(j)
OpenList(j) = OpenList(j-1)
OpenList(j-1) = swap
next j
next i
endif : `if Cost(Child, GCost)>tempcost
endif : `if OpenList(Child)=0
endif : `if Child>0
endif : `if ClosedList(Child)=1
next q : `for q=1 to 4
`Check if path found
if OnOpenList(EndNode)
`Path Found!
Path = Found
Loop : `While Path<Found
`Calculate the path length
pathlength = 0
Node = EndNode
`Increment the path length
inc pathlength
`Go to current nodes parent
Node = ParentNode(Node)
`If at start, exit loop
if Node = StartNode then exit
`Fill array of node positions for the found path
Node = EndNode
for i=pathlength to 1 step -1
`Store Current Node
pathBank(i) = Node
`Go to current Nodes parent
Node = ParentNode(Node)
if Node = StartNode then exit
next i
`End of Function :: Path found
EndFunction 1
Globals needed for FindPath()
global pathnode as integer
pathnode = 32
global dim pathnodes(pathnode, 9) as integer
global dim ClosedList(pathnode) as integer
global dim OnOpenList(pathnode) as integer
global dim OpenList(pathnode) as integer
global dim ParentNode(pathnode) as integer
global dim Cost(pathnode, 3) as integer
global dim PathBank(pathnode) as integer
global pathlength as integer
global GCost as integer
global HCost as integer
global FCost as integer
GCost = 1
HCost = 2
FCost = 3
Just put this and the LoadPathNodes() Function in yer game and run the function. It will return 1 if it finds the path (almost always). The pathfinding node data is stored in PathBank (which is an array).
Please reply if yo have any troubles
EDIT: Fixed post, it did some weird s***
"Time not important only life important...
I have no life so time is irrelevent..."
Twin P4 Xeon 2.0 Ghz, GeForce Quadro4 XGL 128MB, 1Gb DDR RAM, Twin 19" Flat Screens