This is Garth from Astral Ent.
Is that you Shane? I've been trying to get in touch with you for 1 month by e-mail but have had no response :-s . All I need to get the game is the USA tracking number for the package. Steve_frost said that he had got it but then he never sent it to me? It should be all I need.
Also you will still get the $100 prize. I told Steve_frost this. I don't know who told you otherwise but the wires could have got crossed somewhere.
Probably the publisher Shane is referring to is a new British distributor who has contacted us. If you get all of the things I've suggested for your game implemented by the 22nd (esp. more matrix textures/enemies) then if they like your game I can sell it to them too.
This is cool though, if both of you get finished games to me we could have a 5-game CD to offer to publishers. The best selling game I ever made was a 6-game CD (Pac Pack 6 Comp. Games).