Flstudio : Fruity edition is great for beginners and people who are new to flstudio. I wouldnt recommend to anyone to buy or even touch the Express edition, because it lacks what makes flstudio so great, the piano roll. Flstudio without the piano roll is nothing, and can not be used for anything. Basicly, the express edition is just shiny buttons that dont work.
So if you're going to use flstudio, get the fruity edition first, then you can always upgrade to producer edition
and you are going to want the producer edition when you've used fl for a while. Right now i'm very happy with my producer edition, because i can use the upper part of the playlist, i've completely changed how i set up my songs since i started arranging them inside the upper part of the playlist. I barely use the lower part any more, except i put some of the percussion maybe there..
I'm glad that you liked my tutorial, i'm so lazy when it comes to writing tutorials and stuff i barely ever get any work on it done
For example, i was going to make a series of tutorials, chapter by chapter, i've made only 1 of those a long time ago, and i got bored with the idea and decided to stop
but i guess i'll get something done some day.
I hope you'll keep on playing with flstudio because it's just so much pleasure working with it.
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