Quote: "let me make this clear:we DO control the range of paths the thought might follow through the synapses(gaps between the neurons in the brain), but the choice of which exact synapse the thought travels is beyond our control. My theory attempts to describe the idea that it is controlled by the amount of oxygen receceived-and oxygen does relieve the brain affecting the exact path of thought."
our brains work just like a processor in a computer... you have sets of registers to access each area of the body.
you then have preprogrammed registers (genetic memory/unconcious operations) this will perform a set task using prescripted operation allowing you to know howto breath - blink - and such without having to be taught... you then have the learning synapses, these are like specific areas which can talk to each other like software packages that come free with the OS, only they're in a basic v1 beta form - it takes many years of learning the language to rewrite the subroutines in a form that you can then call them "bugless" or atleast a 'gold' state.
the brain doesn't work randomly, there is nothing random about it - your neurol paths determine a presise action, its the variables you use which will make them more random.
typing for example, your tapping the keys - you brain has to tell your motor center thant you need to run the muscle "tap" function, you then input the variables that determine the offset and power to place within the tap in relation to where you arm is... the subroutine runs the motor engine using the tap() and out comes an "A"
with slightly different variables you can move onto "B" and such.
this is determined by the higher function language C (Consious) but the actual function itself run in pure SC (SubConcious) which arn't random at all.
try to remember that almost 65% of the human brain is actually Hard Disk ... you then have anothe further 15% which is dedicated to Ram & PageFlip (Instance & Short Term)
just because you can't sit there and tell your hair to grow 10ft long and blue - doesn't mean that you don't have any control over it, however SC is still the lowest language in your brain, the only thing lower is NPI (Neutrol Peptide Impulse) - if you've ever coded purely in binary then you'll understand really that can only be edited on the Genetic Level which is done with set-instruction chips (DNA Strings) ... although a higher language is capable of editing DNA it is not adviced unless your the original developer as quite frankly you don't know what your dealing with, and each one has the complexity of a processor in its own right. This means any backenginnering and editing could result in total system failier.
Or odd results... like the Ram might start to randomly send data to be processed before its finished getting the entire instruction set - then someone might shout words out randomly because thats what the processor THINKs should be going on.
without some programming language and OS telling the computer what to do essentially it would sit there and keep repeating the exact same task over and over and over again.
although yeah essentially thats all a programming language does to, we program Ai so that it can then learn and grown taking random operations and doing what it believes as the right thing at that point in time based on experiences it has already had to learn and produce better Ai.
its funny but you'll find the most intelligent people are those which ALOT of life experience ... and a larger varied existance. Although you can process that someone who reads books allday and suck in knowlage is intelligent - they're only setting themselves up to produce a single take and doing it extremely well.
This doesn't make it a good computer, or particularly fantastic to work ith - however it does make it the best option when you have a certain task.
probably thats confuses everyone one hell of alot more, but its all makes alot of sense to me