For any use I have made this "generic frontend" available to all. All you have to do is plug in your game. Change a just a few of the included graphics and you have customized it for your own game.
If you have a standard DarkBASIC Pro installation,
then you should take the default unzip, just click the top 'Unzip' button. You will then have a new fully working DBPro project:
For DB1 users:
There is a working source version contained in the zip.
To access it click the second button 'Run WinZip'.
From WinZip 'Extract' the entire archive into a new folder, then click through all the subfolders until you get to the 'VCS_Demo' folder, then move that folder where you need to.
The more you see, the more you know.
The more you know, the more you see.