I've used only X and DBO files exported from 3dWS v5.52
ok what i find out is
if u got X ascii file (let say its a wall made out of BOX and cutted in smaller pieces around 15-21 objects) and u will use:
load object "wall.x",IND
phy make rigid body dynamic convex IND
phy sleep rigid body IND
You can forget it will look like your wall in PHYSX!
or if You will use:
load object "wall.x",999
perform checklist for object limbs 999
co= checklist quantity ()
rem in limb index starts at 0
for t=0 to co-1
make object from limb ind,999,t,0
phy make rigid body dynamic convex ind
inc ind
next t
delete object 999
You will get all the pieces plus one extra out of space which will destroy your simulation! :/ is it dark physics bug or ascii X file bug!
seems to work on DBO file!
but DBO file (exported from 3d world studio) doesn't support DBpro LIMBS so i have to find other solutions!!
I've used X files and DBO files exported from 3dWS v5.52!