Probably a good idea to post pictures online separately (perhaps get a photobucket account or just upload jpegs on here and a 'view' button will appear) - people tend not to download images from a .zip file, or bitmaps for that matter. Just for convenience, I mean I virus scan every file I download and I'm sure other techno-paranoid dudes do as well.
Anyway, welcome to the forum dude and I have downloaded your .zip file and looked at your model, interesting concept and a good start. But trust me when I say this 'tutorials' are a good thing, they can provide very good information on the best route to getting your models to look good and have efficient use of geometry. The 'I'll teach myself without tutorials' approach is a slow one, I avoided tutorials for a while and my skills didn't progress very well. But everything I use a tutorial I feel I learn somethng very useful. You'll find the same. Once you know how to use your program's interface and tools properly, then using tutorials becomes much easier, especially as you'll be able to use tutorials not even designed for your application (some Maya, 3DS Max and Silo tutorials provide excellent modelling solutions for any 3D app)
"Experience never provides its judgments with true or strict universality; but only (through induction) with assumed and comparative universality." - Immanuel Kant