---First Person Horror Adventure---
Fragment is a horror adventure, though in a very unique way, there is no enemies. I'm trying to create atmospheric environment instead. The game will be rather short, I could bet on less than an hour.
The story involves a research organization, which test human actions in different situations. The player get's into the "Alone" section of the program, to test human actions while totally alone. Though there is sub-categories, like AloneJoy, or AloneCommon life. The player get's the harder test, AloneFear.
You play as Jacob Mayers, a common guy in the world, this test will change his life forever.
Instead of preparing for the test, they knock him down, then placing him into the test.
The outcome will be different if you are prepared and know what's going on, than if you suddenly wake up in a damp basement not having any knowledge about this at all, true?
The title means One of Many, means you (the player) are only a small part of this experiment.
What features are implemented?
-First person controlls (Mouselook, WASD and X(?))
-Scary environment
-Disturbing, psychotic events
-No enemies
-Music composed by NGXmusical (I found these track suitable)
WASD and X - Move around
Walk with S, Run with W, Backpadle with X, strafe with A and D.
Mouse - Look around
Esc - Quit
Current Version - 1.0.2
Old one, from last version -
---OLD DEMO---
Some links : - We haven't updated the content for a very long time, almost half a year ago. - The forums
Done -
Working on -
Planning -
Not started -
Crapped -
Movement -
Mouselook -
Mouselook restriction -
Title Menu -
Level 1 -
Weapons yay! -
Level 2 -
Better interaction system -
Scares -
Gravity -
So..What do you think? This is myfirst serious game, go easy on me.