Hey guys,
I have a project that I've attempted to code several times, but just can't seem to get it. I have a tileset of a 2D Knight character from [a href=http://www.ReinersTilesets.de]Reiners Tilesets[/a href]. I need to allow Dark A.I. to control this character, so that it will successfully walk around the screen. So far, I have been getting stuck at the fact that my character is only represented with 8 directions (0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 125, 270, 315 degrees). Since the Dark A.I. entities want to be able to move with 360 degrees of free rotation, I have not been able to get my characters to work.
Might anyone know a clever trick to bypass this problem, or perhaps a way of limiting Dark A.I. entity to turns of exactly 45 degrees?
Mountain Dew, happiness in a bottle.