... "but I don't know. What does that mean?"
You are mixing your past up with the present : know instead of known, also missing using apostraphies. ie. Don't instead of dont (means "do not"). And your plurals are mixing up. ie. that instead of thats, and mean instead of means. And doez isn't (is not - the appostraphy replaces the "o") a word.
Geri=Girl from "Spice Girls". You must have heard of them? She was the one that left a few years ago.
And any cocky answers pointing out spelling/gramma mistakes I made, can basically take a running leap;
I'm tired, need some sleep, have used spell checkers for more years than most of you have been alive, and I'm (I am) Welsh. Sulk.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing