I added some functions to my softbody engine I have been working for a year.
Now, it has following functions:
a. Collision detection with sphere and capsule shaped collider object.
b.Softbody object deforms along with collider object when you move SB object or colliders, of course.
c.You can built any shape of softbody object with a softbody editor specially made for this engine.
d.You can control your softbody object in several ways:
i)You can give velocity to control your object.
ii)You can drag anchored nodes in your softbody object to move it directly.
iii)Of course, you can use both way above at the same time.
Now I start working for adding collision system with convex shaped collider, but this function may slow the whole engine down a bit. Let see how it's gonna be.
If you are interested, please visit my blog. I have some clips there..