@ HowDo
is it a default thing that the cloth get effected, you need to specify phy add force field box, capsule and sphere commands, and set them to 0, if you don`t wont them to be effected.
I ask be cos I made a force field with cloth, with out setting that up, and it was effected.
I know that what you are talking about is setting it up so that they aren't effected, but I din`t know that you could do that.
but then again I am still using dp 1.4 and not 1.5 be cos I could not get it to work, so its just dumb ass me.
what else can you do with that, can you do it with liquids?
or soft body's?
just one more time to pick your brain HowDo, what program do you use to make soft body?
be cos the one I tried did not work, could you hit me with a link or just an address
I`m not talking about sdk's, at lest I don`t think I`m talking about them, I was talking about making the .tet models them selves, that make up the soft body`s.
soul sucking devils, twisted body of the damed, slivering slim drips from every poor, sin licking at your ears, and the smell stinging your eyes, and if you don't like it, get out of my kitchen!