did any one give up trying to install the latest version of dark physic?
I now I did, lol.
now can we talk about some thing else?
and did any one figer out how to sort out landing a player controlled caricature?
I tried using a ray cast to pick up the hight of the ground, but could not get it to pick up on the floor height every time, for example I step up on to an object and I can`t jump be cos I just keep getting the wrong ground high.
now I changed my ray cast to orbit around the base of the player, and moving in and out, when the cc jumps the ray stays on the ground like it should.
but I need to be able to jump as soon as I get to my height that I have set, witch is 5.1, but if I can`t get this height all the time, then my cc can`t jump as an-till I hit the ground height of 5.1.
it also means as soon as I step up a block or step then my cc can`t jump an-till the the ray returns 5.1.
dose any one know how to fix this?
or maybe expand the ray that is cast at the floor?
also I wont to ask dose any one know of a link or an address of a free version of directX 9.0c, ever on this website or on any other?
I am in dire need of this, be cos I can`t post my player code on my thread without it.
it was so much easyer to do without dark physics!...
I will also ask about crouching with ray casting at a latter date, be cos I fall throe the floor if I stand up under something, but I have what I think is a good crouch controls, but that question can wait antill later for now.
so can anyone help?
soul sucking devils, twisted body of the damed, slivering slim drips from every poor, sin licking at your ears, and the smell stinging your eyes, and if you don't like it, get out of my kitchen!