as it says i got bored and made this in a few hours its only 200 lines of code with both editor engine and and game engine.
its an dungen master type engine with more to the fps type when its finished.
now can you only create maps with the mouse and run around it open doors and stuff.
maybe i will continou on it dont know as it was only an moment of boredome.
editor mode is key 1
game mode is key 2
in editor mode choose texture with tab key
left mb to place block and right one deletes
to place doors press d
and to save map press s
z places the start point and x exit point.
dont forget to only have one each of start and exit on the map.
in game mode move with w,a,s,d and look around with the mouse.
space key opens doors if you collide with them.
it aint that userfriendly as i only whipped it together.
iam using gil galvantis images from the tome engine as i didt care about doing gfx during this moment of boredome.
full source and all media --------------------------