I have a DirectX-File with a human, that has a boned animation.
So far it's working correctly.
But when I want that human to walk around in my city it just walks straight. When there is a wall it walks through and the human is away....
I'm using this code so far:
That's how I load the human (DirectX-File)
dbLoadObject ( "Textures/human.x", 1000);
dbPositionObject ( 1000, 1000, 7, 1000 );
dbSetObjectLight (1000, 0 );
dbScaleObject ( 1000, 3000, 2500, 3000 );
dbYRotateObject (1000, 180 );
dbSetObjectCollisionToPolygons (1000);
dbLoopObject ( 1000 , 0, 20);
dbSetObjectSpeed ( 1000, 40 );
Thats how I let the human walk in the While-Loop
dbMoveObject ( 1000, -1 );
I've already tried to let the human Turn at the Y Axis that it walks a circle, but when i use this...:
dbYRotateObject (1000, 80 );
dbMoveObject ( 1000, -1 );
...it's the same result like the first code.
Why is it not rotating at the Y-Axis?
Do you have any ideas?
I'v read the GDK-Documentation and searched for functions, but found nothing...
kind regards